SJS Investment Services has been recognized in CNBC’s 2024 FA 100 list, an annual ranking of registered investment advisory (RIA) firms within the USA.
When comparing price relative to a standard measure, we can make an educated guess that mutual funds made up of lower-priced stocks may offer an opportunity for a greater return in the future.
Sometimes, it may be helpful to point to a market force that may be actionable for you or your loved ones. One such market force now? Falling mortgage rates.
We understand that your investment return has a purpose, that your investments are connected to the people, enterprises, and causes that matter to you.
A lot of what you would hear might sound technical and complex, but you also would hear something beyond all that financial talk: our genuine concern for you, your family, and your well-being.
Studies have shown the estimated value of a financial advisor to be worth 1.6% to 4.1%, annually. SJS strives to implement many of these “value-add” services.
We know a team is only as good as how well its members work together – for you, and for each other. So what are our secrets for achieving success as a team?
In today’s always-on, information-at-your-fingertips world, we know you may want to check your portfolio on the go. Our new MySJS mobile app lets you do just that.
The mix of stocks and bonds in a portfolio is the factor we believe has the most impact on expected risk and return. We stand ready to review your target with you.
Investment droughts will arise. Instead of trying to predict when and where ‘rain’ may come, we recommend that you preemptively plant your assets in rich soil.
It seems like a good time to share one of our most requested SJS features – the 10 Commandments…of Money. We think good advice certainly bears repeating!
Our quarterly Investment Committee meetings allow to reflect on and to evaluate the discipline of our MarketPlus Investing strategy, and what that means for you.
Picking stocks is a very difficult game, even for the most seasoned professionals. We believe that diversification is the best way to manage stock investing risk.