Office: (419) 885-2626 Toledo, Ohio Metropolitan Area


Ryan Stoller

Associate Advisor

Ryan serves SJS and our clients as an Associate Advisor. Growing up as the son of a poultry farmer in the small town of Van Wert, Ohio, Ryan developed a strong work ethic and a deep commitment to client service. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Lourdes University, with minors in Psychology and Theology, while also playing baseball for the Grey Wolves.

Before joining SJS, Ryan worked as a financial advisor in Van Wert, Ohio. After marrying, he moved back to Toledo, where he taught at Perrysburg Schools as an intervention specialist. However, his passion for finance and helping clients led him back to the financial advising industry. Ryan joined SJS in August 2024 and is eager to continue growing within the industry.

In his free time, Ryan is active in his local church, where he leads multiple men’s groups and serves in the youth group. He also enjoys exploring Toledo’s Metroparks, playing pickleball with friends, and cheering on the Ohio State Buckeyes.

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