An interview with Scott Savage, who is Founder & CEO of SJS Investment Services as well as the President of the Board of Park Commissioners of Metroparks Toledo. This interview is part of our Stories of Giving & Achievement Series, highlighting organizations doing great work in the community.
Scott, how did you get involved with the Metroparks Toledo?
That answer will take us back over 20 years. That’s when the Metroparks Board asked me, along with former Toledo Fire Chief-turned-Mayor Mike Bell, to chair a very visionary 10-year land levy with one goal: fund the expansion of Metroparks Toledo. Built into that expansion was an acquisition of ecologically critical land. As a person who treasures and appreciates the ecological uniqueness of this part of the world, I was all in. The levy went through, and that land today is primarily part of what is known as the Oak Openings Corridor.
Source: “Oak Openings Preserve Metropark”. Metroparks Toledo,
It must have been amazing to achieve that goal. What happened next?
It was, and I can tell you, after that, I was hooked on how this kind of work could make an impact on the people, the economy, and of course, wildlife. Most people don’t realize that this part of Northwest Ohio is unlike anywhere else in the world. After this one project, I felt called to help restore this vital ecology, and I realized it could happen while providing parks the community can enjoy. It didn’t have to be one or the other.
A few years later in 2007, Probate Judge Jack Puffenberger appointed me to join the three-person governing board responsible for overseeing Metroparks Toledo. I was both honored and very eager to do whatever I could to grow this park system. As part of that early work, we established the Mission of Metroparks Toledo, which fifteen years later is the same: to preserve and protect our natural resources for the benefit and enjoyment of all citizens in Lucas County and, I’ll add, the roughly seven million visitors we expect in 2022 alone.
Source: “Providence River Bluff Trail”. Metroparks Toledo,
That vision must have been inspiring to the Metroparks team.
It was. And lofty. The park system is nothing like it is today. I’d say in 2007, Metroparks Toledo was an excellent park system, but it was mostly a suburban park system with only one of the handful of parks in operation in the actual City of Toledo. That would be Swan Creek Preserve Metropark which is a park in the district today.
So did you aim to bring more parks to the City of Toledo?
The short answer to that is, yes. But the Park Commissioners and the Team at Metroparks Toledo decided to do something even more ambitious. We decided a worthy vision would be to make sure every citizen in Lucas County would live within five miles of a Metropark.
That was lofty. At that time I bet most of the city’s residents were a long drive from a Metropark.
You’re right. But I am happy to report that our vision is a reality. Today, every citizen of Lucas County lives within five miles of a Metropark, making it easier for all people to access the physical and mental health benefits parks provide. In the process, we have brought the limelight to our region by winning the 2020 National Gold Medal Award in the large district category for excellence in parks and recreation management, the most prestigious honor in the parks and recreation industry.[1] I believe we can honestly say Toledo has the best parks in America.
That is impressive, and I’m sure getting to #1 in America was no easy feat.
Well, there are a lot of steps between any vision and its achievement, and plenty of stories. Maybe in future blogs, we can talk about some of them. I will say here that it has been gratifying to help transform the place we call home and help it gain the attention it deserves as a renaissance city, an ecologically important region, and a place for diverse people and families to live and thrive.
I have a feeling from your enthusiasm, you’re not done.
You’re right, and I’ll go even further to say, the best is yet to come! Yes, you may have read about it in the paper or online or seen it on the news. It’s the most ambitious project-to-date - The Glass City Riverwalk - and it is already redefining our region even more in the eyes of the world. Phase one is open and operating with more phases in construction now. The $200 million dollar project will create 300 new acres of connected green space on the East and West sides of the Maumee River, Downtown Toledo, and the Glass City Riverwalk. It will restore ecologically-sensitive habitats, and provide recreation for everyone. Studies have shown this project will drive more than $2 billion in economic impact.[2] For a $200 million price tag to return $2 billion, I’d say that’s a very good financial investment, not to mention we get a beautiful park to enjoy!
Source: “The Glass City Riverwalk”. Metroparks Toledo,
At the core of it, all this work has been an investment, hasn’t it?
Yes, it has. And we aren’t done. Already in the works is an increased expansion and more connections between parks, further elevating our reputation as a premier place to live and work. The investment of time, knowledge, funds, and more from all who are involved is how this is happening. And in my experience, we are all thrilled to give because, quite simply, we all love this place or we wouldn’t be here. Why not do everything we can to make our region even better for the people here today and for the generations of the future? I’m humbled and feel so blessed to have been a part of this thing we call Metroparks Toledo for the last fifteen-plus years.
Important Disclosure Information & Sources:
[1] “Metroparks Receives National Gold Medal Award“. Metroparks Toledo, 28-Oct-2020,
[2] “Glass City Riverwalk”. Metroparks Toledo,
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