A STORIED BEGinning for SJS Investment Services
Raised in a goal-oriented family, Scott Savage set his sights on the world of finance the minute he discovered that on the opposite side of the sports page was the stock page. He was about 12 years old, and from that point forward, he was hooked. Scott decided at that young age that he would become a stockbroker. And after college, he did just that a few days after graduation.
It didn’t take long before Scott realized that his role of stockbroker was on a collision course with his values and upbringing. As a young boy helping out in his father’s business, he saw how clients were cared for and even saw ways he could do it better in his own company, if he had one someday.
By contrast, the stock brokerage business put him at odds with clients. As Scott says, “I didn’t understand conflict of interest until I was knee-deep in it, and I didn’t like it very much.” He knew there had to be a way that he and his clients could sit on the same side of the table and both win.
He was right. There was a way, and in 1995, Scott started SJS Investment Services. He founded it based on a very simple premise that originated during his childhood, was reinforced during his days as a stockbroker, and has since become part of his DNA: Put others before self. And if there is a phrase that defines SJS Investment Services, that would be the one. It has helped the company choose its team of seasoned financial professionals—people of like heart and mind—and it has helped the company achieve countless milestones of service and growth.
Today, SJS Investment Services has $2.5 billion* in assets under management, serves both individual and institutional investors, and has offices in Scottsdale, Arizona, Chicago, Illinois, and Perrysburg, Ohio, in addition to its headquarters in Sylvania, Ohio. And, true to form, Scott and his team aren’t taking the easy approach to growth.
Being there for their clients all the time, every time, is a company promise the team takes very seriously. And architecting their clients’ financial futures is a big responsibility. Nothing about this is easy. But as the team at SJS Investment Services knows all too well, what worthwhile thing in life ever is?
*As of 12/31/2024